MonAM Monitoring System
Health topics
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Health of the Population
Mental Health
Age and Long-Term Care
Health System
Health Professionals
Costs and Financing
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197 Indicators
Health of the Population
Factors Influencing Health
Addiction: Development of admissions to treatment
Adolescents’ access to tobacco and alcohol (age: 14- 15)
Alcohol - knowledge of health risks (age:15+)
Alcohol - population's opinion on reglementation (age: 15+)
Alcohol consumption (age: 11-15)
Alcohol consumption (age: 15+)
Alcohol regulations in the cantons
Alcohol sales per capita
Alcohol-attributable mortality (age: 15-74)
Children from families with heavy substance consumption (age: 0–14)
Chronic heavy alcohol consumption (age: 15+)
Drink-specific alcohol consumption (age: 11–15)
Drink-specific alcohol consumption (age: 15+)
Driving licence withdrawals in connection with driving under the influence of substances
Episodic heavy alcohol consumption (age: 15+)
Heavy alcohol consumption (age: 15+)
Heavy episodic alcohol consumption (age: 11-15)
Hospital admissions with main or secondary diagnosis of substance-related disorder
Substance use - multiple risk behaviour (age: 14–15)
Substance use - multiple risk behaviour (age: 15–74)
Substance use and health status (age: 15-74)
Traffic accidents under the influence of substances
Cannabis and other drugs
Addiction: Development of admissions to treatment
Cannabis consumption (age: 14- 15)
Cannabis consumption (age: 15-64)
Cannabis: population's opinion on structural measures (age:18+)
Children from families with heavy substance consumption (age: 0–14)
Consumption of illegal substances (excluding cannabis; age: 15–64)
Driving licence withdrawals in connection with driving under the influence of substances
Drug-related deaths
Heroin-assisted treatment
Hospital admissions with main or secondary diagnosis of substance-related disorder
Intravenous drug use
Offences against the Narcotics Act due to consumption
Offences against the Narcotics Act due to dealing
Opioid agonist therapy
Substance use - multiple risk behaviour (age: 14–15)
Substance use - multiple risk behaviour (age: 15–74)
Substance use and health status (age: 15-74)
Substance use and psychological distress (age: 15-74)
Traffic accidents under the influence of substances
Diet, physical activity, obesity
Active mobility - population's opinion on structural measures (age:15+)
Active mobility: on foot / by bike (age: 6+)
Body weight - knowledge of health risks (age:15+)
Energy intake (age: 18–75)
Fruit and vegetable consumption (age: 11-15)
Fruit and vegetable consumption (age: 15+)
Fruit and vegetable consumption (age: 6–12)
High cholesterol levels (age: 15+)
Lack of physical activity: knowledge about health risks (age: 15+)
Mortality from physical inactivity (age: 35+)
Overweight and obesity (age: 15+)
Overweight and obesity (age: 6–12)
Physical activity (age: 5–11)
Physical activity behavior (age: 18+)
Salt - knowledge of health risks (age:15+)
Salt consumption (age: 15+)
Sitting (age: 15+)
Sitting and resting (age: 5–11)
Waist circumference (age: 18–75)
Waist circumference (age:6–12)
Internet, gambling
At-risk or problematic gambling behaviour (age: 15+)
Banned gamblers (age: 18+)
Problematic internet use (age: 15+)
Problematic use of social media (age: 11-15)
Substance use - multiple risk behaviour (age: 14–15)
Chronic medication consumption (age: 15+)
Driving licence withdrawals in connection with driving under the influence of substances
Hospital admissions with main or secondary diagnosis of substance-related disorder
Performance-enhancing medicine drugs (age: 15+)
Traffic accidents under the influence of substances
Adolescents’ access to tobacco and alcohol (age: 14- 15)
Children from families with heavy substance consumption (age: 0–14)
Cigarette consumption (age: 11-15)
Hospital admissions with main or secondary diagnosis of substance-related disorder
Passive smoking (age: 15+)
Problem awareness among smokers (age: 15+)
Substance use - multiple risk behaviour (age: 14–15)
Substance use - multiple risk behaviour (age: 15–74)
Substance use and health status (age: 15-74)
Tobacco - entry-level product (age: 15+)
Tobacco - knowledge of health risks (age: 15+)
Tobacco - population's opinion on structural measures (age:15+)
Tobacco - smoke-free products (age: 15+)
Tobacco - smoked products (age: 15+)
Tobacco and e-cigarette regulations in the cantons
Tobacco consumption (age: 15+)
Tobacco-attributable mortality
Tobacco: number of cigarettes smoked per day (age: 15+)
Willingness to stop smoking (age: 15+)
Addiction: Development of admissions to treatment
Air pollution from traffic exhaust fumes
Disturbances due to noise
Economic potential through reduction of work-related stress (age: 16–65)
Exhaustion rate (age: 16–65)
Health literacy (age: 18+)
High blood pressure (age: 15+)
NCDs and social support (age: 15+)
Problematic buying behaviour (age: 15+)
Risky sexual behaviour
Social support
Unmet needs for necessary medical or dental services due to lack of financial resources (age: 16+)
Work-related stress (age: 16–65)
Health Status of the Population
Alcohol-attributable mortality (age: 15-74)
Arthrosis, arthritis and osteoporosis (age: 15+)
Asthma (age: 14–15)
Backache or headache
Banned gamblers (age: 18+)
Cancer: incidence
Cardiovascular diseases: hospitalisation and mortality
Cardiovascular Diseases: prevalence (age: 15+)
Chronic bronchitis/emphysema
Depression symptoms
Diabetes (age: 14–15)
Diabetes (age: 15+)
Difficulty falling asleep or sleeping through the night
Drug-related deaths
Energy and vitality level
Exhaustion rate (age: 16–65)
Healthy life expectancy from age 65
High blood pressure (age: 15+)
Hospitalisation rate for hip fractures
Life expectancy
Limitations in activities of daily life
Long-term health problems
Mortality and causes of death
Mortality from NCD
Mortality from physical inactivity (age: 35+)
Myocardial infarction
NCD and restrictions in daily life (age: 15+)
NCDs and informal care (age: 15+)
NCDs and quality of life (age: 15+)
New Invalidity insurance pensions due to illness (age: 18–retirement age)
Overweight and obesity (age: 15+)
Overweight and obesity (age: 6–12)
Probability of premature death due to NCDs (age: 30-70)
Quality of life
Quality of life (age: 5–11)
Respiratory diseases (age: 15+)
Serious physical complaints
Sickness and accident-related absences from work (age: 15+)
State of health (age: 1–14)
State of health (age: 15+)
Substance use and health status (age: 15-74)
Suicide and assisted suicide
Tobacco-attributable mortality
Traffic accidents under the influence of substances
Years of life lost due to NCD
Years of potential life lost
Mental Health
Mental Health Status
Depression symptoms
Difficulty falling asleep or sleeping through the night
Energy and vitality level
Exhaustion rate (age: 16–65)
Most frequent mental disorders in inpatient treatment
Quality of life
Quality of life (age: 5–11)
Social support
Suicide and assisted suicide
Work-related stress (age: 16–65)
Inpatient Care for People with a Mental Disorder
Addiction: Development of admissions to treatment
Hospital admissions with main or secondary diagnosis of substance-related disorder
Hospitalisation rate for mental disorders
Hospitalisation rate in acute care, psychiatry and rehabilitation
Length of hospital stays for mental disorders
Length of inpatient stays in acute care, psychiatry and rehabilitation
Most frequent mental disorders in inpatient treatment
Provisional placement in Swiss psychiatric hospitals
Outpatient Care for People with a Mental Disorder
Addiction: Development of admissions to treatment
Heroin-assisted treatment
Age and Long-Term Care
Health in Old Age
Arthrosis, arthritis and osteoporosis (age: 15+)
Healthy life expectancy from age 65
Hospitalisation rate for hip fractures
Limitations in activities of daily life
Long-Term Care
Age on entry into the nursing home
Care rate in old people's and nursing homes
Intensity of care in nursing homes
Length of stay in nursing homes
Places in old people's and nursing homes
Residents in nursing homes in need of light care
Use of help at home services
Use of home care
Volume of help at home services per habitant
Volume of home care services per habitant
Health System
Inpatient Care
Addiction: Development of admissions to treatment
Age on entry into the nursing home
Cardiovascular diseases: hospitalisation and mortality
Care rate in old people's and nursing homes
Doctors in hospitals
Hospital admissions with main or secondary diagnosis of substance-related disorder
Hospitalisation rate for hip fractures
Hospitalisation rate for mental disorders
Hospitalisation rate in acute care, psychiatry and rehabilitation
Intensity of care in nursing homes
Length of hospital stays for mental disorders
Length of inpatient stays in acute care, psychiatry and rehabilitation
Length of stay in nursing homes
Most frequent mental disorders in inpatient treatment
Places in old people's and nursing homes
Provisional placement in Swiss psychiatric hospitals
Rate of occupied hospital beds
Residents in nursing homes in need of light care
Outpatient Care
Addiction: Development of admissions to treatment
Care rate in old people's and nursing homes
Consultations in GP or general practitioners' surgeries
Emergency service usage rates
Heroin-assisted treatment
Number of admissions in emergency services
Specialist consultations
Use of help at home services
Use of home care
Volume of help at home services per habitant
Volume of home care services per habitant
Further Topics on the Health System
Active mobility - population's opinion on structural measures (age:15+)
Adolescents’ access to tobacco and alcohol (age: 14- 15)
Alcohol - population's opinion on reglementation (age: 15+)
Alcohol regulations in the cantons
Cannabis: population's opinion on structural measures (age:18+)
Inward and outward migration of foreign doctors
New Invalidity insurance pensions due to illness (age: 18–retirement age)
Offences against the Narcotics Act due to dealing
Tobacco - population's opinion on structural measures (age:15+)
Tobacco and e-cigarette regulations in the cantons
Unmet needs for necessary medical or dental services due to lack of financial resources (age: 16+)
Further indicators can be found on the health care atlas.
Health Professionals
Consultations in GP or general practitioners' surgeries
Doctors in hospitals
Inward and outward migration of foreign doctors
Specialist consultations
Nursing Staff
Absences due to illness/accident
Continuing education
Educational paths
Employment situation of qualified nurses
Expenditure for nursing staff
Fixed-term employment
Grade mix
Headcount and staff density
Health of nursing and care staff
Inward and outward flows of foreign nursing staff
Job satisfaction
Job search
Nurse-to-patient ratio
Persons in education
Placement and temporary employment
Quality of care from the nursing staff's perspective
Quality of care from the patients' perspective
Quality of the working environment
Staff turnover rate
Staff with foreign qualifications
Stress and exhaustion
Vacancies advertised
Work preparedness
Costs and Financing
Costs in the Health Care System
Costs in compulsory health insurance
Economic costs of inactivity
Economic costs of obesity
Economic potential through reduction of work-related stress (age: 16–65)
Expenditure on prevention and health promotion by financing scheme
Expenditure on prevention and health promotion by service
Health care costs
New Invalidity insurance pensions due to illness (age: 18–retirement age)
The economic cost of addiction
The economic cost of non-communicable diseases (NCDs)
Financing in the Health Care System
Costs in compulsory health insurance
Expenditure on prevention and health promotion by financing scheme
Premiums in compulsory health insurance
The economic cost of addiction