In 2022, Switzerland spent an estimated CHF 2.6 billion on prevention and health promotion (PHP), which corresponds to 2,9% of all health care costs (see indicator “Expenditure on PHP by service”).

In comparison with previous years the proportions by financing scheme had changed since 2020. This was due to the COVID-19 pandemic, which led to increased expenditure by the Confederation and the cantons (for example on its vaccination programmes; COVID-19 tests are not included in the indicator).

The Confederation, cantons and communes bore 67.2% of expenditure on PHP in 2022, although the differences between cantons were considerable. A further 23.6% was privately funded, either by private households or other private providers such as the Swiss Red Cross or the health leagues. Lastly, the social insurances contributed 9.2% towards expenditure.

This indicator is part of the Monitoring System Addiction and NCD (MonAM) of the Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH).

Healthy ageing is an important objective of the Federal Council’s Health 2030 Strategy. People of all age groups should encounter conditions favourable to a healthy life. This should also allow the unfavourable cost trend in the health care system to be curtailed. PHP measures are important in making these goals more achievable. Studies show that investment in PHP pays off – for every franc invested in PHP many other costs can be reduced (Wieser et al., 2010; Bertram et al., 2018).


The indicator shows the PHP expenditure in Switzerland in respect of the following financing schemes: The Confederation, cantons, communes, compulsory health insurance (COPH), accident insurance (UV) and private funding (figure 1). It also shows PHP expenditure by the cantons and communes as a percentage of a canton’s and its communes’ total health care expenditure (figure 2). Data are updated annually.

The expenditure on PHP by financing scheme was calculated on the basis of the Federal Statistical Office’s (FSO) “Health care costs and financing statistics”. The statistics present a synthesis of all available figures for an estimation of the monetary flows associated with the production, consumption and financing of goods and services of the Swiss health system during one year. The expenditure includes both material and personnel costs. For this indicator, the monetary flows of the various "Prevention" areas listed below are analysed (cf. "Expenditure on PHP by service") Unlike the FSO statistics, this indicator does not take into account the subcategory "tests":

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  • Bertram, M.Y. et al. (2018). Investing in non-communicable diseases: an estimation of the return on investment for prevention and treatment services. The Lancet. 391 (10134): 2071-2078: Study.
  • Kaufmann, M. (2015). Ein Vergleich der kurativen und präventiven Gesundheitskosten von 2002 und 2012. Soziale Sicherheit CHSS 6/2015:363–366: Publication (in German).
  • OECD, Eurostat and World Health Organization (2017), A System of Health Accounts 2011: Revised edition, OECD Publishing, Paris: Publication.
  • Wieser, S. et al. (2010). Synthesebericht – Ökonomische Evaluation von Präventionsmassnahmen in der Schweiz. Report commissioned by the Federal Office of Public Health. Winterthur Institute of Health Economics (WIG), Zurich University of Applied Sciences Winterthur (ZHAW) and the Institute for Economic Research (IRENE), University of Neuchâtel: Report (in German and French).

Further information

  • Gmeinder, M. et al. (2017): How much do OECD countries spend on prevention?, OECD Health Working Papers, No. 101, DOI: 10.1787/f19e803c-en: Study.

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