In 2022, 3.9% of the Swiss population regularly consumed alcohol in proportions representing a medium to high health risk. This chronic heavy alcohol consumption has decreased since 1997 (6.2%). Over the whole period, this proportion has fallen more among men (from 7.7% to 4.4%) than among women (from 4.7% to 3.4%).

The differences between the language regions also decreased. Chronic heavy alcohol consumption halved in Italian-speaking (10.2% to 4.9%) and French-speaking Switzerland (from 8.3% to 4.5%) within 15 years. In German and Romansh-speaking Switzerland it fell by a third (from 5.2% to 3.6%).

However, the trend in chronic heavy alcohol consumption varies between age groups. Among the over 45 year-olds, it has decreased since 1997. Among the younger population, it has tended to remain stable since 2007.

This indicator is part of the Monitoring System Addiction and NCD (MonAM) of the Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH).

Chronic heavy alcohol consumption is harmful to health. It is responsible for various diseases such as coronary heart disease, certain types of cancer, brain haemorrhages, serious depression and epilepsy. The consumption of alcohol can also lead to road accidents, suicide or acts of violence. Overall, it significantly increases the mortality risk. Furthermore, alcohol problems affect not only the persons directly concerned, but also the people around them (WHO, 2018).

The indicator reveals the extent of chronic heavy alcohol consumption in Switzerland’s population and shows which groups are most at risk. It provides background information that is used to develop and carry out prevention programmes.


This indicator was calculated on the basis of data from the Swiss Health Survey (SHS, n2022 ≈ 22 000) and is updated every five years.

It shows the proportion of people aged 15 and older, living in a private household, whose (self-reported) average daily alcohol intake represents a medium or high health risk. Among women, a daily intake of 20g to 40g of pure alcohol or 2 to 4 standard units represents a medium health risk. Among men the amounts are 40g to 60g or 4 to 6 standard units. A high health risk is posed by over 40g of pure alcohol or over 4 standard units per day for women and by over 60g or over 6 standard units per day for men. One standard unit (= glass of beer/wine etc.) is equal to 10g to 12g pure alcohol. 

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  • Advice on alcohol consumption – 2018 (June 2018). Federal Commission for Alcohol-related issues (FCAL), Bern: Document (in GermanFrench and Italian).
  • WHO (2018). Global status report on alcohol and health 2018. Geneva: Report

Further information

  • Addiction Switzerland: Addiction Monitoring in Switzerland (2011–2016) (in German and French)
  • Rehm, J. et al. (2017). The relationship between different dimensions of alcohol use and the burden of disease – an update. Addiction. 112(6):968-1001. doi: 10.1111/add.13757: Study.
  • WHO (2000): International guide for monitoring alcohol consumption and related harm. Geneva: Document.

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