Health topics
Health System
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Health System
Health of the Population
Mental Health
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Health System
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38 Indicators
Health System
Inpatient Care
Addiction: Development of admissions to treatment
Age on entry into the nursing home
Cardiovascular diseases: hospitalisation and mortality
Care rate in old people's and nursing homes
Doctors in hospitals
Hospital admissions with main or secondary diagnosis of substance-related disorder
Hospitalisation rate for hip fractures
Hospitalisation rate for mental disorders
Hospitalisation rate in acute care, psychiatry and rehabilitation
Intensity of care in nursing homes
Length of hospital stays for mental disorders
Length of inpatient stays in acute care, psychiatry and rehabilitation
Length of stay in nursing homes
Most frequent mental disorders in inpatient treatment
Places in old people's and nursing homes
Provisional placement in Swiss psychiatric hospitals
Rate of occupied hospital beds
Residents in nursing homes in need of light care
Outpatient Care
Addiction: Development of admissions to treatment
Care rate in old people's and nursing homes
Consultations in GP or general practitioners' surgeries
Emergency service usage rates
Heroin-assisted treatment
Number of admissions in emergency services
Specialist consultations
Use of help at home services
Use of home care
Volume of help at home services per habitant
Volume of home care services per habitant
Further Topics on the Health System
Active mobility - population's opinion on structural measures (age:15+)
Adolescents’ access to tobacco and alcohol (age: 14- 15)
Alcohol - population's opinion on reglementation (age: 15+)
Alcohol regulations in the cantons
Cannabis: population's opinion on structural measures (age:18+)
Inward and outward migration of foreign doctors
New Invalidity insurance pensions due to illness (age: 18–retirement age)
Offences against the Narcotics Act due to dealing
Tobacco - population's opinion on structural measures (age:15+)
Tobacco and e-cigarette regulations in the cantons
Unmet needs for necessary medical or dental services due to lack of financial resources (age: 16+)
Further indicators can be found on the health care atlas.