In 2021, the average time spent on the move on foot or by bike/e-bike was 35.0 minutes per day per person in Switzerland. This figure has remained stable since 2010. The number of stages (1.8/day) and the distance covered (2.6 km/day) have, however, decreased in the period up to 2021. In 2015, each inhabitant still covered 2.3 stages and a distance of 2.8 km on foot or by bike/e-bike every day.

The percentage of total mobility accounted for by active mobility (time spent on the move on foot or by bike/e-bike) was 46.9% in 2021. This percentage has increased by comparison to 2015 (41.4%), due to the reduced level of mobility with motorised private transport and public transport. In terms of distance covered, physically active mobility naturally accounts for a lower percentage (2021: 8.5%) of the total distance covered.

This indicator is part of the Monitoring System Addiction and NCD (MonAM) of the Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH).

“Physically active mobility”, i.e. everyday exercise such as walking or cycling has a great influence on individual well-being and health. Sufficient physical exercise provides effective protection from numerous physical and mental illnesses. Measures to promote physical exercise are especially important for people who have previously not had much exercise as their health can benefit most from an increase in physical activity.

Walking or cycling are particularly accessible forms of exercise. They are a low-threshold form of exercise that can be done regularly to promote individual health. Physically active mobility includes the commute to work and distances covered for shopping, for work and accompanying other people. It also includes mobility as a leisure activity (walking, hiking or cycling).  

The frequency, duration and intensity of mobility is important for the effect of exercise on health. This indicator shows the extent (time on the move, stages and distance) to which people use walking or cycling as a form of exercise. Health promoting measures with regard to physically active mobility can be defined on the basis of this information.


This indicator shows the time spent on the road, the number of stages and the distance covered daily on foot or by bicycle. It also shows the share of physical activity in overall mobility. The Federal Statistical Office (FSO) collects the data of the "Microcensus Mobility and Transport" in the form of a population survey every five years. Due to the COVID 19 pandemic, the 2021 data could only be collected one year later. It cannot be ruled out that the pandemic had an impact on mobility behavior in 2021.

Physically active mobility is also known as human powered mobility or active travel. Active mobility in the sense of the present indicator stands for locomotion on foot or by bike. Locomotion by other vehicle-like means such as a kick scooter or inline skates can also be included but are not shown in the indicator.

Distance is understood as that part of the journey that is covered on foot or by bike in one day. Time on the move is the time needed to cover the distance (excl. waiting and transfer times). A stage is a section of the journey that is made with a single form of mobility.

Up until 2010, e-bikes were counted as bikes as their importance at that time was small. In 2015, e-bikes were surveyed separately for the first time and from that year this category can be seen separately in the indicator. The e-bikes category includes both slow and fast e-bikes as the latter also require physical activity to move along. In other Federal Statistical Office analyses, fast e-bikes are included in motorised private transport, as are mopeds, as a driving licence is required to use them.

An explanation of socio-demographic variables can be found in the document: Dimension description.


  • Federal Statistical Office (FSO) and Federal Office for Spatial Development (ARE): Mobility and Transport Microcensus (in German, in French, in Italian)


  • Mobilitätsverhalten der Bevölkerung - Ergebnisse des Mikrozensus Mobilität und Verkehr 2021 (2023). Federal Statistical Office (FSO) Neuchâtel: Report in German and French.

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